Today I saw someone who was just pulled over by the police --probably a routine traffic stop. I thought to myself, "What a way to start the day." Thoughts were running through my head. The first thought was about the driver of the car. I thought how he should have followed the traffic rules. Then I thought more about that. The first thought was true, however we are also told not to judge each other.
Something inside told me this man needed some prayers. I wondered what this guy's life was like. Was he rushing off to work? Did he just not see the stop sign? Was this the first event in a really bad day? I decided that no matter what the situation is, even if the man intentionally broke the traffic law, that I should offer him a prayer. Maybe the prayer would help this man have a better day or make him see the need for traffic laws.
As we drove by, I said a silent Hail Mary, Our Father and Glory Be with the intention to help this man have a better day. Somehow in my soul I knew these prayers would be answered. Even though I wouldn't be able to see the results of my prayers, I knew in my heart that I helped make this man's day a little brighter. That alone filled up my heart with joy. I found a way to change my heart from a judging one to a praying one.