I try to make a habbit of saying the Rosary every night. I used to attempt it at the very end of the night and most of the time I would fall asleep. I'm pretty sure the reason is every time I say the Rosary, I'm filled with peace. A calm, worry free, relaxing peace. But because I have a hard time making it through the entire Rosary that late at night, I've been saying it a little earlier.
Tonight, my 4-year old son was having a hard time going to sleep. I chose to stay in the room with him until he settled down. I tried reading 4 of his favorite books to him. It worked for a second, but he was determined to stay up. His older sisters were awake. Why couldn't he stay up too? After attempting to read to him, I turned down the lights and sat very quiet. However, he took that time to try to convince me to let him stay awake.
Then I decided to say my Rosary. I started to say it quietly in my head, but it was hard with my son's fussiness. So, I said it aloud. I was up to the first decade when I decided to say my prayers out loud in front of my son. By the time I got to the second decade, he was silent and calmed down. He was amazingly peaceful for the entire Rosary. He listened intently, and became relaxed.
It's hard to tell when he actually fell asleep, but to be sure, I started a second set of mysteries. After the second decade I stopped, for he was surely asleep.
I pray the Rosary as often as I can and it never ceases to amaze me. This is the most powerful prayer in the world. It has calmed me after severe hurtful situations, it always brings peace to my heart, and now I've wittnessed it bring peace to my son's heart.
If you've neglected your Rosary ( as I have until about 1 1/2 years ago), consider picking it up. You'll be glad you did.