Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Praying for the Sick

One of my favorite prayers is the Chaplet of Divine Mercy. Ever since I learned about it, I make it a point to pray it when I know of someone who is ill. Jesus taught this chaplet to Saint Faustina. He told her to pray it when someone is dying, and they will receive His mercy at their time of death.

Since I'm never sure of how things will go, whenever I hear of someone becoming ill I offer the chaplet. This past Saturday, my Father-in-law had a heart attack. My Mother-in-law called us as they were on the way to the hospital. My husband left the house and joined them. I was home with the children, so I did what I could and offered the Chaplet of Divine Mercy. I often feel at peace when I finish the Chaplet. My husband returned home hours later and reported that his father survived the heart attack. He was in the ICU in the hospital recovering. While there are still many things the doctors must attend to, I view this survival as a miracle.

Usually the Chaplet is helpful in death, but I often wonder if it had to do with my Father-in-law's survival. Was this a second chance at life? While nobody knows for sure what role the Chaplet played in this incident, I am sure that it was as helpful as it has always been. God hears our prayers. And as long as it is in line with His Will, He answers those prayers.

Thank you Jesus for hearing my prayers.


The Chaplet of Divine Mercy

Crucifix - 1 Our Father

Then say:

1 Apostles' Creed, Hail Mary and Glory Be

On all the Our Father Beads before each decade of the Rosary, say this prayer:

Eternal Father, I offer you the Body and the Blood of you dearly beloved Son, our Lord, Jesus Christ in atonement for our sins and those of the whole world.

On all the Hail Mary beads say this prayer:

For the sake of His Sorrowful Passion, have mercy on us and on the whole world.

After the final prayer in the 5th decade repeat this prayer 3 times:

Holy God,Holy Mighty One, Holy Immortal One , have mercy on us and on the whole world.

Friday, June 5, 2009

A Special Thank You for Brave Bishops

It warms my heart to see such good in a world surrounded by darkness. There were 83 Bishops who spoke out against President Obama's attendance at the Notre Dame graduation. As with all witnesses for Jesus, these brave men risked ridicule, persecution, and their reputation in order to promote the Catholic Teachings. They endured many trials, but their support enforced the passionate students who value their faith.

When I see thngs like this, it proves there's still good in this world.

As a special thank you, the Cardinal Newman Society presented a Spiritual Boquet to the 83 Bishops who spoke out agains t the Notre Dame Scandal.

Click here. to see a copy of the Spiritual Bouquet Certificate sent to the bishop.

Click LifeSiteNews.com. to see the list of all 83 Bishops.

The overwhelming prayer response in the spiritual bouquet includes:

Mass Intentions: 116,741

Divine Mercy Chaplets
: 74,974

: 57,728

General Prayers: 236,615

Eucharistic Holy Hours
: 37,125

Holy Rosaries
: 146,944

Novenas: 19,877

Days of Fasting
: 28,862

In addition to these prayers, Catholic priests offered 3,272 Holy Sacrifices of the Mass for the bishops.