Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Beautiful Prayers

Every Choir practice I attend begins and ends with a prayer. Tonight's ending prayer was very nice. Our leader just finished practicing the last song with us, and continuted to play the music as we stood in prayer. There's something beautiful and touching about saying a prayer and our intentions while soft church music is playing.

Occasionally, we do this just after we sing the "Our Father" at Mass on Sundays. The music keeps playing softly as the priest says a blessing. After the blessing we continue singing, "For the kingdom, the power ... "

These things are wonderful spiritual experiences. You just want it to continue on forever. Each time I encounter this I feel myself growing. Music and prayer - the perfect way to worship God.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

The Miraculous Prayer

We pray often. God is always listening to us. However, there is a special prayer given to us by Our Lady - the Holy Rosary. Just the make-up of the Rosary makes it special. We include the prayer Jesus taught us so long ago( The Our Father - Matthew 6 9-13), and we use lines from the Bible about Mary: "Hail Mary full of Grace. The Lord is with You."(Luke 1:28) "Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb." (Luke 1:42).

I try to make a habit of praying the Rosary everyday, but I often fall short. When I do, I'm always filled with peace. Many times when I am upset, I am filled with the deepest sense of peace by the time I finish this prayer. This is true especially after an argument with a family member. The Rosary has helped me focous on what was important in life, not who is wrong or right. It is an amazing feeling. I've often felt that I had been consoled by my mother. I guess that's true. I was being consoled by my Heavenly Mother, who not only made me feel better, but instilled a little wisdom along the way. Pray the'll be glad you did!