Saturday, February 7, 2009

The Miraculous Prayer

We pray often. God is always listening to us. However, there is a special prayer given to us by Our Lady - the Holy Rosary. Just the make-up of the Rosary makes it special. We include the prayer Jesus taught us so long ago( The Our Father - Matthew 6 9-13), and we use lines from the Bible about Mary: "Hail Mary full of Grace. The Lord is with You."(Luke 1:28) "Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb." (Luke 1:42).

I try to make a habit of praying the Rosary everyday, but I often fall short. When I do, I'm always filled with peace. Many times when I am upset, I am filled with the deepest sense of peace by the time I finish this prayer. This is true especially after an argument with a family member. The Rosary has helped me focous on what was important in life, not who is wrong or right. It is an amazing feeling. I've often felt that I had been consoled by my mother. I guess that's true. I was being consoled by my Heavenly Mother, who not only made me feel better, but instilled a little wisdom along the way. Pray the'll be glad you did!

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