Tuesday, November 18, 2008

What a Blessing Written June 6, 2008

Every morning, I walk my daughters to their Catholic school, then visit the church for the 8:00 mass. The other day on the way to school we saw a small dog wandering without a leash. It was evident he was a lost dog, and when he approached me I checked his tags. I was caught in a dilemma. Do I find the dog's home and make the girls late? I couldn't leave him there in good conscience due to the risk of him being hit by a car.
A few neighbors on their way to church approached us and helped. One neighbor in particular offered to sacrifice her mass that day and help the dog.
I was grateful, but also felt guilty. To miss Mass - especially if you were really looking forward to it- can be a let down.
So as soon as I dropped the girls off, I went into church and prayed for my neighbor. I asked God to bless her - to double any blessings she would have received from today's Mass.
A priest visiting our parish was the celebrant. When it came time for Holy Communion, he offered not only the host, but the wine as well. In my experience the Church only distributes the wine on certain occasions such as Holy Thursday. I had recently asked an expert friend of mine about this very issue.
I think about that day often and always wonder: Was that God's way of showing his approval of my prayer for my neighbor?
God is always with us and He speaks to us in more ways than one. I felt very blessed that day. May all of you experience many blessings as well.

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